How to Keep Beef Tallow From Spoiling

Beef tallow is a useful survival item for its many practical applications. Tallow tin be obtained from any animal fat, but the quality is best when extracted from cows.

Beef tallow tin exist used in cooking, candle-making, skincare, health, lubrication, lather-making, and more. It tin can be stored indefinitely for every bit long every bit it is placed in closed containers and kept away from heat or moisture.

Beef tallow is relatively easy to prepare. Its primary ingredient is the suet from cows and you tin render the fatty to form tallow in your ain dwelling.

What Is Beefiness Tallow?

Beef tallow is a rendered grade of cow or mutton fat. It'south largely made of triglycerides which makes information technology solid at room temperature. Information technology'south a survival staple because of its long shelf life and broad range of survival uses. There's no need to refrigerate it to avoid spoilage. All you need to practise is to store it in an airtight container and information technology'll final indefinitely.

Tallow tin exist technically harvested from all animals, simply the best quality comes from naturally grazing animals, similar cows. The best tallow is likewise extracted from beast suet, which refers to the fatty that surrounds each internal organ. The suet is extracted and heated which makes information technology release a liquid golden oil. This oil is washed in boiling water, purified, and filtered. In one case it is rid of impurities, information technology's ready to use for dissimilar survival purposes.

How To Gear up And Render Beef Tallow

The starting time stride is to assemble a sufficient amount of beef fatty. It's advisable to gather beef fatty from around the kidneys and to harvest them from grass-fed cows. The quality declines when the tallow comes from cows that eat synthetic foods. Freeze the beef fat but long plenty to let information technology harden a bit so that you can grate it in the food processor. Some other option is to chop up the beefiness fat until information technology turns into pocket-sized pieces.

Place the cuts in a modest pot or pan and then put them over a low fire. This will render the fat. It's important to cook low and slow to avert called-for the fat. Five pounds of fat will have about half-dozen to 7 hours to return. You lot'll know the rendering procedure is done when the bits of meat and fat turn brownish and crispy. Information technology'southward likewise normal for your cooking space to aroma like oil and fatty. The smell may exist unpleasant and suffocating to some which is why it'southward recommended to do this in a sheltered surface area outdoors or to at least ensure that there's proper ventilation. It'southward likewise important to do this in a separate room from your clothes, burrow, and other furniture so that they won't absorb the smell.

The last pace is to filter and purify the oil. Do this by letting the oil pass through a mesh panel to trap the crispy bits. You may use a mesh strainer, cheesecloth, flour sack, paper towel, or whatever other filter. Remember to wear oven mitts and other protective gear and so that you won't accidentally burn yourself. You lot'll be left with a overnice yellow-colored oil. Let this to cool overnight until information technology hardens into a white wax.

How To Shop Beef Tallow For Long-Term

glasses of fat

The reason why beefiness tallow is a survival staple is considering of its indefinite shelf-life. In that location's no need to refrigerate the wax. Just store the wax in airtight containers to avert oxidization and decomposition. Another option is to pour the tallow into water ice cube trays, allow them to solidify, and and then store the cubes in Ziploc bags.

Meridian 7 Uses Of Beefiness Tallow


Beef fatty, and by extension, beef tallow contains saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fat is less healthy than unsaturated fatty, only as long every bit information technology's consumed in moderation, paired with a salubrious diet and an active lifestyle, then in that location'southward niggling demand for business organization over it.

In blistering, beef tallow can be used as a substitute for butter. Aside from its unique flavor, information technology'southward as well filled with essential vitamins and nutrients like niacin, vitamins K2, B6, B12, iron, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, and riboflavin. Other tallows that come from naturally grazing animals comprise loftier levels of conjugated linoleic acid which is an excellent component for combating cancer and other carcinogens.

Beef tallow is excellent for deep-frying considering it has a high smoking point that's equivalent to canola oil at 400°F (205°C). Information technology means that the oil won't burn hands and tin withstand sustained cooking.

Beef tallow has become popular for smoking meat, especially beef brisket. It adds a distinct sheen to the surface without compromising the bark and adds richness. Texas-based Pitmasters have fifty-fifty gone to the extent of calculation tallow to their firebox – the result is a distinct hamburger note.


Beef tallow is a good and cheaper culling to wax candles. They terminal very long and they don't burn easily. You can pour some tallow into a bottle cap, place a cotton wick at the middle, and permit it to dry into a candle. The cotton wick may be dipped once in tallow to protect it from wet and to make it burn longer. You can also utilize larger containers like mason jars and then that you'll have longer-lasting candles. Another option is to mix the tallow with wax-like beeswax and sap to improve its consistency. Include some drops of essential oils to meliorate the scent.

Other survivalists besides use a tallow drip which is a strip of cloth that is submerged in tallow. The end is lit and it's like an alcohol lamp.


skin care

Skincare is a luxury during emergencies, and if yous no longer take a supply of the drugstore products that continue your skin sane, you can use beef tallow. Take a tiny amount and apply it to dry patches on your peel to use it equally a moisturizer. This is helpful if you alive in a cold expanse and to prevent dried or cracked skin. Other women may use it as an oil-based makeup remover. It can finer dissolve waterproof makeup. Men may use it equally a bristles oil substitute to groom their facial pilus and to proceed the skin underneath feeling smoothen and moisturized.

Beef tallow tin exist applied to exposed skin to provide a protective barrier. It keeps your skin moist while protecting it from the harsh rays of the sun, it's too useful to protect the skin against chapping and air current rashes if y'all live in a cold area.

Lastly, beef tallow tin can be used equally a healing salve for different skin problems. It tin can be used to soothe burn marks, skin rashes, and any other itchiness or irritation. A sparse layer can also exist practical to the feet and ankles to preclude bruising and the formation of blisters. This is helpful when y'all demand to evacuate and at that place are no available transportation options which means that you'll have to walk.


Tallow has been used by people suffering from eczema. The fatty soluble-vitamins may help with alleviating redness, inflammation, and irritation of the pare. Additionally, the oil keeps the skin from cracking and scaling.

Beef tallow is said to help relieve the itchiness experienced by birthing and significant moms. Regularly applying information technology can also help prevent the appearance of stretch marks by keeping the pare polish, soft, and moisturized.

Another use for beef tallow is as a substitute for massage oil. Yous can use it to lather over the different areas of the body to relax stiff and tense muscles.


Beef tallow may be used to oil different items. Yous can use it to oil rifles and muskets considering it'south an excellent gun grease. You may apply a few drops to whatever engine that needs lubrication, like motorbikes or cars. It'due south biodegradable and information technology doesn't cause corrosion so whatsoever metallic surface will be completely safe. It as well keeps all the parts moving smoothly so that they can office properly. Other woodworkers likewise lubricate their screws and contumely fittings to prevent these from getting corroded and to permit them to smoothly fit into the wooden creations.

Another good use of beef tallow is to use a light layers of it on self-defence force items and weapons like blades, axes, hatchets, and swords. The sparse layer of beef tallow is plenty to proceed the blade from getting corroded.

You tin too apply beefiness tallow on any genuine leather material because it tin can exist used every bit a leather conditioner. It tin can also be processed and turned into a grade of biodiesel.

Making Soap

tallow soap

In survival situations, it's still important to maintain your cleanliness and proper hygiene. Stores may be closed and y'all might exist unable to barter for lather which is why information technology'south useful to know how to brand soap with beef tallow. Y'all can utilize the DIY soap to clean yourself or to wash your laundry.

Beef tallow soap is strong, difficult, and it suds nicely. Melt 30 ounces of tallow in a pot over low heat. Mix in 3.88 ounces of 100% pure lye with 11 ounces of distilled water. It's important to cascade the lye in water and not the other way around because pouring water into the lye volition crusade an eruptive reaction. Allow the lye to deliquesce in the water for a while. The mixture can get very hot and so be careful. The heat is due to an exothermic chemical reaction as the lye gets activated in the h2o. Ezoic

Cascade the lye-water mixture into the pot with the melted tallow. Continue mixing for an hour until you arrive with a homogenous mixture. If y'all desire to relieve some fourth dimension, use an immersion blender. You'll know it's finished when yous reach trace, which is when the mixture turns into something like a pudding. It should hold its shape when y'all scoop it. You lot can attain this consistency in 3 to x minutes when yous utilise an immersion blender.

Transfer the pudding-like mixture to a pot and continue to cook on low heat for 45 to hr. There will be bubbling and frothing merely that's normal. Practise the "zap" examination which is when yous bear on your tongue to the cooled mixture. If it lightly stings, then in that location's still lye. Continue cooking until it passes the zap examination. Allow the soap to harden in whichever shape you want. Store in closed plastic bags and place in a cool, dry place.

Other Uses

dripping fat

Beef tallow tin be transformed into an organic camo torso paint. Simply mix in a few drops of green and brown food coloring or dye to form the shades that mimic your surround. This volition assist you camouflage yourself improve and so that you lot can hunt for game in the woods.

Another popular usage for beef tallow is head lice treatment. Mix 1 part of beef tallow with two parts of apple tree cider vinegar. Massage it into the scalp and leave it on for a few minutes. One can expect the head lice to clamber out or get trapped past the tallow and suffocate in the scalp. Launder thoroughly to become rid of expressionless head lice.

Beef tallow is widely used as a cooking oil substitute or a healthier alternative, but information technology tin also become the food itself. Beef tallow can exist boiled to make a succulent os broth. This soup tin can keep you feeling full while providing yous with a myriad of vitamins and nutrients.

Beef tallow tin can as well exist rubbed on kindling. This traps the moisture in the wooden blocks and makes them more than flammable. In this style, the kindling makes the fire burn stronger and lasts longer.


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